Maths tuition – the proven Master Maths way
To help learners really understand the concepts and master Maths skills, we approach tuition in our time-proven way: offering hands-on, individual attention; not group lessons.

Computer plus tutor equals learner success
Why do Master Maths learners achieve such good results year after year? Much of their success is thanks to their own commitment, of course. But it’s the combination of advanced computer-assisted lessons and a qualified maths tutor that enables M2 to improve year-end outcomes and create brighter futures.
Learn how to boost your Maths marks, the M2 Way.

Trusted to achieve success since 1976
Our computers are more powerful these days, our tutors are more plentiful and the number of students we’ve helped is much higher. Still, one thing remains unchanged: our dedication to first-class Maths tuition the Master Maths way.
Learn about the Master Maths journey.

Motivated learners are better learners
With every hurdle our learners conquer, they typically feel more motivated to do even better. Success breeds success, and this is the key to learning. Our carefully structured classes combine hands-on tuition plus audio and visual material to create lessons that engage the learner. And, because the learners are guided through small, incremental steps and the feedback is immediate, they feel acknowledged and rewarded for the effort they put in.
Learn how it works.

Ekstra Wiskunde lesse in Afrikaans landswyd
As jy die geleentheid kry om in jou moedertaal te leer, is jy sommer al klaar op die wenpad. Daarom bied Master Maths ekstra Wiskunde onderrig vir Graad 4 tot 12 leerders in al ons sentrums regdeur Suid-Afrika. Ons bekwame tutors moet hulself as vlot tweetalig bewys voor ons hulle aanstel.
Vind meer uit oor Wiskunde ekstra klasse in Afrikaans.
Master Maths was established in 1976 and we have helped two generations of learners succeed with maths.
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