Online Maths Lessons
Supplement your in-centre tuition with interactive home lessons.

How it works
A supplement or add-on for current lessons.
Learners have access to the interactive Master Maths lessons at home.
The tutor can assign specific lessons for each learner to complete at home, and the learner can then focus on other aspects while at the centre.

Who will benefit?
- Online Maths Lessons are only offered to Grade 4 to 12 learners who are already enrolled and who are receiving any of the other services listed. The online lessons are not for every Master Maths learner; they are only offered to a learner if the tutor deems it appropriate for that specific learner to take online lessons.
- Master Maths is not an online programme; it’s the individual tuition and personal attention from tutors that make the difference. It is in the centre that the magic happens.
- It’s not for everyone; it is very difficult to get a learner who is struggling with maths already, and who is demotivated by the subject, to work on their own at home. The learner’s confidence needs to be built up again through tutor encouragement and appropriate work.
- The mere fact that learners have to go into the centre forces them to push through the difficult part for the breakthrough moments.

Master Maths was established in 1976 and we have helped two generations of learners succeed with maths.
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